Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are facing increasing congestion issues as more drivers adopt EVs. The problem is exacerbated by some drivers who linger at charging stations longer than necessary, preventing others from using the chargers efficiently. To tackle this issue, some charging companies are implementing measures to encourage more considerate use of charging resources.

EV fast chargers, designed to quickly replenish a vehicle’s battery to about 80%, are not intended for full charges. Charging speeds significantly slow down beyond 80% to protect the battery, which can cause long wait times for other drivers. The high demand for public fast charging, combined with the slow charging speeds past 80%, leads to frustration among EV users waiting for their turn to charge.

To address this, Electrify America (subsidiary of Volkswagen trading at 93.90) , one of the largest EV charging companies in the U.S., is experimenting with new policies. At ten of the busiest fast charging stations in California, Electrify America has set a strict limit: once a car’s battery reaches 85% charge, the charging will automatically stop. Drivers are then prompted to unplug and leave or face additional fees of 40 cents per minute for occupying the space.

Tesla has a similar feature at its Supercharger stations, where the vehicle may automatically limit charging to 80% to reduce congestion. However, Tesla drivers can override this limit using the vehicle’s touchscreen. Electrify America’s limit will be enforced without the option to override, meaning drivers wanting a full charge will need to find another location.

The scarcity of chargers and the long distances between them contribute to drivers’ tendencies to stay longer at charging stations. This issue is compounded by free charging agreements between Electrify America and various automakers, reducing the financial incentive for drivers to unplug once they reach 80%.

Electrify America and EVgo, another major charging network, are rapidly expanding their networks to meet future demand. More chargers should help alleviate the hoarding behavior currently seen at many charging stations.

Charging companies are exploring various approaches to manage charger usage more effectively. Some have experimented with charging different rates at different times to incentivize off-peak charging. However, for now, Electrify America aims to keep its policies straightforward, so drivers know what to expect when they arrive at a charging station.

As of 2024, there are approximately 2.2 million electric vehicles on the road in the United States. However, the charging infrastructure has not kept pace with this growth.

Currently, there are about 140,000 public charging stations nationwide, with around 22,000 of them being fast chargers. This mismatch between the number of EVs and available chargers is a key factor contributing to the congestion and charger hogging issues.

The hope is that with continued expansion of the charging network and more considerate charging habits from EV drivers, the situation will improve, making EV travel more convenient and efficient for everyone.